Our cabs take you further, get you there faster, and help you make the most of your time. We offer shuttles to and from, and within the special events and festivals that we work at almost anytime of the day or night (generally 9am - 4am and often non-stop). Patrons can request the numbers of drivers and call or text us directly for pickups. We strive to help you meet your goals and expectations of the event weekend.

Our drivers help you unload your gear from your car, load the pedicab, drive it (and you) to your campsite, and finally unload it all. A typical two-person campsite is easily loaded onto a pedicab and safely transported. Whether you're just arriving to the party or leaving it, we'll be around to smooth that transition and get your stuff where you need it to be, quickly, safely and with minimal effort.
Sometimes referred to as the "open-fare" system, passengers and drivers negotiate a fair price between each other. Or we can be hired for a specific period of time based on $60/hr or $1 per minute. Factors that affect pricing include the number of passengers, ride distance, and terrain.
Our drivers operate on the "tip system." While rides are not free, it's up to the driver and the passenger to establish a rate before, during or after the ride. The drivers are sober, informed, and event-savvy to help patrons solve problems.
Our pedicabs are covered by a $5 million commercial liability policy per occurrence & aggregate. Passengers & drivers are covered by a robust policy and we our pedicabs are in the best shape possible. Our goal is to get you there safely and securely. We have well-lit lights and extra features to ensure high visibility.